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Ros Handley
The Exec Retirement Coach

Professional Speaker 

Qualified Career

Transition Coach

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About Me

I'm Ros Handley, a qualified career transition coach.

I choose to focus on that significant career and life stage, known as retirement. Whether you intend to continue working in some form or not, I encourage you to consider the broadest range of possibilities for how you spend your time in the years ahead. Make your time count! Use your time in ways that are meaningful - for you.

Having the option to retire is recognised as a significant career and life stage. It is not unusual for a person to feel lost when they leave their work role, which can have an impact on the person's mental and physical wellbeing.

Ideally, I start working with the client 6-12 months before they leave their current work role. 

As my client, you will have the rare opportunity to prepare for navigating the changes involved when moving out of your existing role.

Using internationally recognised coaching approaches, I work with clients to identify a vision of how they want life to be in the years ahead, and the actions they need to take to make that a reality. I provide structure to guide client's thinking and planning. 

You will have the benefit of my experience of successfully navigating unexpected life changes and uncertainty. I understand the type of challenges involved, strategies for managing wellbeing, the importance of shifting your thinking, and the benefits of broadening your focus to consider options you’d never dreamt of.

I feel inspired by those who thrive and my wish is for you to enjoy a fulfilling life in the years ahead. 

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