Consider how much time and money you have spent on financial planning for the next 20 or more years. There’s no question this is important.
And how much time and thought have you invested in planning for a fulfilling life over the next 20 or more years?
Your time is arguably of greater value than money. Time is a finite resource, unique to each of us and impossible to predict in terms of quality and quantity.
One of the key factors to support wellbeing throughout the years ahead is to feel you are using your time in a way that is meaningful to you. So, what does a meaningful life look and feel like for you?
Why would you plan for a fulfilling next chapter?
(tick the answers below that are relevant for you)
Because you want to:
o live your life with a renewed sense of purpose
o accomplish even more, recognising you have more to offer
o experience joy as part of daily life
o thrive, not merely survive
o feel deeply satisfied with your place in the world
o spend your time in ways that are meaningful to you, rather than just passing the time
o look back on your life without regret
When will you prioritise your planning for this aspect of your future?